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Peter Hook confirms New Order Split

(Peter Hook's MySpace Page) - Published 2007-05-09 10:16:00 AM - 10:16:00 AM

Peter Hook, the bassist of Joy Division then New Order, has confirmed on his blog today that it's official: New Order splits.

"I suppose it was the interview with clint boon that started it all off hed asked me for a few words on perry farrells satellite party single dogstar [which he thought was great] so i went on and lo and behold mentioned the New Order split so i suppose because it was me sayin it it was out at last. im relieved really hated carryin on as normal with an awful secret so lets move on shall we?"

We at NewOrderOnline.com offers our best wishes to Bernard Sumner, Peter Hook, Gillian Gilbert, Stephen Morris and Phil Cunningham for the future.

Expect the Control soundtrack soon, as well as Joy Division remastered CDs, but after that, nothing is planned, we can only one the songs left from the Waiting For The Sirens Call sessions will see the light of day.

Thanks to Peter Hook for the submission and informations

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Excerpts taken from Peter Hook's MySpace Page.
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