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Peter Hook and David Potts working together

() - Published 2007-03-09 6:09:00 AM - 6:09:00 AM

David Potts and Peter Hook have confirmed that they'll be sharing a stage for the first time in 7 years for the Hard Rock Café 'March on Stage' event in Manchester on Wednesday 21st March in aid of the Nordorff-Robbins Music Therapy charity.

Other music industry patrons of Nordorff-Robbins - who provide UK-wide music therapy sessions for 30,000 people a year - include David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Sting and Pink Floyd.

As post-Revenge duo Monaco, 'Hooky' and 'Pottsy' sold a million albums worldwide in the late '90s and created the chart hit 'What Do You Want From Me' combining instantly memorable pop sha-la-las with the trademark New Order bass sound.

Monaco split in 2000 with Hook re-joining New Order and travelling the world as a superstar DJ. Potts went on to write and produce, initially as Ram and culminating in a solo album release 'Coming Up For Air' in January of this year.

So could Monaco’s old sparring partners be on the verge of reforming?

“Very unlikely” says Hook, “I thought I’d got rid of Pottsy and he thought he’d got rid of me but a one-off like this for Nordorff-Robbins is worth doing”.

Potts agrees: “We’ll let you know if it was a good idea afterwards!”

Thanks to Richard Torr for the submission and informations

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